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2023/5784 Yom Kippur Memorial Book


Eternal God, as we honor the memory of our dearly departed loved ones, we recall the trials and joys, happy moments and times of sorrow that we experienced together. These memories form a bond between us that time cannot erase. Grant that the memories evoked by Yahrzeit observance brings us solace in moments of loneliness, and that those memories inspire us to become more closely united with those who remain and face the years to come with courage. As we honor the bond between the living and those who no longer walk the earth, I pray that all their souls may be bound up in the bond of eternal life.

To see the full 2023 High Holiday schedule – CLICK HERE


Our Yom Kippur Memorial Booklet includes prayers from the Yizkor liturgy along with listings of dearly departed loved ones to be memorialized. The Yizkor Memorial Service on Yom Kippur will occur during the morning service on September 25th, 2023, Yom Kippur day.

Please review your listing in last year’s memorial book by clicking here, and then fill out the form below. **Make sure to submit your details by clicking the “send” button at the bottom of the form** After you hit send, you will receive verification of your form entry.

All Memorial Book listings must be submitted by September 5th, 2023

We suggest a minimum donation of $7 per name memorialized. Those who wish to give an additional Thanksgiving Offering will also be listed on a separate page of the memorial booklet. Donations can be made via check & mailed to the Shul, or online via Zelle Bank Transfer or PayPal. Visit our donation page HERE to make a donation.

If you need assistance, contact Christina in the office at 570-455-2851 or

If you participated in the YK book last year, DO YOU HAVE ANY CHANGES for 5784?

Would you like to make an additional THANKSGIVING OFFERING? <strong>Your family will also be listed on a separate page of the memorial book.</strong>(required)

<br><strong>Please select your donation method below. Our DONATE PAGE has more instructions on how to donate to AIC >>> visit</strong>(required)

<strong>Will you attend</strong> our 2023 Yom Kippur services in person or w<strong>ould you like a hard copy of the booklet mailed to you?</strong> We will send out a digital version to all congregants via email.(required)