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Centennial Celebrations – Spring 2023

The Congregation of Agudas Israel is proud to announce the 100th anniversary of our synagogue this spring, 2023. This milestone achievement is quite remarkable. Despite changing demographics and shifts in ideologies, we have continued to keep our doors open to the Jewish Community. We are hosting two Centennial events in 2023 & hope you will join us!

A commemorative booklet will be distributed at both events and at other city-wide venues. Please consider a tax-deductible donation to express your support via an ad in this booklet. You can complete the sponsorship form here for participation in our centennial booklet. the submission deadline is MARCH 24th, 2023. We look forward to seeing you at our events and wish to express our sincere appreciation for your support.

On Sunday, April 23rd, there will be a Centennial Celebration at the synagogue from 10am-2pm (click to register). This event will include a presentation in our sanctuary with proclamations from local officials, musical performances and speeches with historical facts and amusing anecdotes. Afterwards, we will enjoy our annual deli luncheon in the social hall downstairs and be entertained by world class comedian Joel Chasnoff.

Then, on Saturday, June 3rd, a Centennial Gala Event will be held at the Valley Country Club from 7-11pm (click to register). We will enjoy entertainment from New York comedian Carie Karavas along with music and dancing with the phenomenal EPICSOUL Band. Your ticket includes hors d’oeuvres and a drink. A cash bar will be available.

Debbie Walko, President
Marlene Leonard, Vice President
Leonard Brenner, Centennial Committee
Howard Narrow, Centennial Committee