Sponsored by Agudas Israel Congregation and the Hazleton JCC

Fridays on Zoom from 12-1pm EST starting March 29, 2024 through April 5, 12 & 19
The Song of Songs is one of the five megillot (scrolls) read on major festivals. It is chanted during Pesah/Passover. It is also sung as an introduction to the Shabbat evening since the Sabbath serves as a renewal of loving vows between God and the Jewish People.
Pained by loneliness? Exhilarated by the arrival of the Spring? Have you ever fallen in Love? This book is for you. Can’t wait to discuss it together.
A $20 donation is suggested for the course. Donations can be made via check sent to “Agudas Israel Congregation”, Paypal or Zelle.
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